Why A Career in Construction?
We can start off by giving you 6 good reasons to talk with your child about a career in the construction trades...
1. Creative Challenge
Contemporary craftsmen are not only trained in the basic skills and principles of their profession, but they are also implored to apply their abilities to problems and demands that exist in complex and highly technical building projects. Trade apprentices undergo a unique education that not only provides them with skills for their crafts, but that also challenges them to think about problems for creative and comprehensive solutions.
2. Immediate Income
Trading up means that new apprentices get paid for the first day they show up on the jobsite even though they are largely in on-the-job training as they acquire new skills!
3. Increasing Responsibilities
As your child grows and develops competency in their trade, they will also be given new, more, and increasingly significant tasks within building projects that will encourage them to take more responsibilities within the workplace. More often than not, with newfound confidence in one are of their life, they will be comfortable accepting greater responsibilities in other areas of their life.
4. Improved Work Ethic
Since your child will be working in a team environment, in which mentoring and meeting deadlines are both important, your child will be encouraged to work efficiently but effectively, with an accent on producing quality.
5. Ongoing Education
From their initial days as a new hire working under a mentor through the span of their apprenticeship when they will attend classes that pertain to their craft, on into their career as a journeyman, the trade specialist lives and works in an environment that requests perpetual education and self-improvement. Through industry organizations and businesses, ample opportunities exist to provide tradesmen with quality career-related education at little or no cost to themselves.
6. A Foundation for the Future
When an individual realizes that the work they are doing is not just a job but a pathway to their future, they discover a career. And when that person is a tradesman looking at all of the opportunities and benefits available for construction specialists in New Mexico, they realize they have a rich and rewarding road before them in their lives. Becoming a tradesman in New Mexico offers your child a great opportunity to put a strong step forward into their future- financially, and occupationally. There is plenty of work for the skilled craftsman which pays well and provides challenge.