Welcome Parents
For Some Kids, Finding A Career Is Easy. For Others, It's A Trial. We're Here To Highlight A Few Options.
Every parent wants the best for their children. We watch them when they are tumbling toddlers. We are anxious with them every time they start a new school year. We empathize with them as they wander through their teenage trials. And as they approach adulthood, we hope they will find their way in the world.
For most young people completing high school and looking at the future, questions about career abound. For some, the next steps of their life are clear, and they walk smoothly into the working years of their lives. For others, though, the question of where they should go to put their interests and talents to work is overwhelming, and traditional formulas of direction bring few answers.
For the young person skilled with their hands and either unmotivated, unprepared, or financially unable to attend college, the question of work and which career path to take can be a cloudy one.
This website section exists to provide information and a summary of career options for parents of children wrestling with work questions. Our ambition is simply to provide you, as a mother or father, with information about working in the construction trades that may help you in talking with your children about work possibilities. By being informed about the risks and rewards of choosing a career in the building trades, you will be able to provide your child with support and understanding, as well as some options for consideration, as you talk with them about their aspirations, their interests, and their future.